Thursday, August 17, 2006

First Ever Annual Settlers of Catan Tournament

So, I sent out an email about this a while ago. I'm planning to hold a Settlers of Catan tournament on the Weekend of October 20/21- most likely Sunday.

I'm thinking the format will be a guaranteed 3 games for each entrant, with a points system to determine who moves on(a certain amount of points for winning, bonus points for amount of points between first and second most victory points, and a certain amount of points for second place). This is how the World Boardgaming Championships and the Settlers of Catan World Championships are doing their thing.

Who's coming to play?

And more importantly, who'll help with the organizing(which doesn't preclude you from playing)? I don't think it'll be much work. Essentially, we need these things covered:

Design a logo for the club-

Design posters for the tournament- Jake

Put up posters around campus-

Go to game stores, ask for sponsorship, and put up posters there- Catrin

Sit at a table at Clubs' Fair(want to hit on first years, anyone?)-

So, essentially, I'm waiting for about 5 people to sign up for something in the comments box. I'm hoping to get an events grant, and I'm pretty good at fundraising, so I'm thinking this could be quite the fun day where some of you could walk home with some nice prizes. I just need a little help making it happen.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Missing you

It surely was a dark and dreary Sunday without board games. I hope I never have to go through such a thing again. I did slaughter the robots in an online Cities and Knights game, but it just wasn't the same. So remember, when you go making other plans for Sundays, you're not the only one who's affected. Promise me you won't forget me.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

No Matter What They Tell You, I'm the Moral Winner

I was about to win, and they knew it. They couldn't stop me; all they could do at this point was to have one of them be the winner instead before it was my turn.

So, one of them handed over all his cards to the other, without anything in return.

This is how Colin, aided by Chris Chan, pried a shallow, holllow, empty victory from my brave, courageous, righteous and deserving hands.

Shame on you, boys. Shame.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Sunday, or Monday? Both?

In the comments for the post below this, some evil person makes a good point, namely that on occasion we've been known to move board game day on a long weekend. So, in conclusion, are we sure we're doing it Sunday? (Also, will SUB be closed at any point over the long weekend?)

In other news: it is traditional in the Edmonton area to celebrate the Heywouldntitbegreatifwehadalongweekendinaugust Day long weekend by heading down to Hawrelak Park for the Heritage Days festival to enjoy the food, music and cheesy merchandise of cultures from around the world. Would any of you fellow POGOBers be interested in heading down together, either before board gaming or on one of the other days?

I back bitches, and I haven't played board games in a month, so I'm ready!

Actually that's a lie, I played with a group of Catan players in New York. But that was like three days after I left. Anyway ... So what are you guys up for this week? We still haven't played that second game of Warrior Knights yet (a pre-session review of the rules is also probably in order there). Also I can bring Betrayal at House on the Hill which is a nice light game which can be played in about an hour.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

How To Mix Addictions

Last night, I dreamt that I played a board game with the president of the United States. And if you know me at all, you'll know that by P.O.T.U.S. I mean no other but Josiah Bartlett of the best show ever to air on T.V.- the West Wing.

After playing said game with him, he ordered me to go to the the board game store and buy a copy of every single boardgame they had. When I got there, they'd cleared out all the board games because they needed the store to hold a church service.

What a bummer!