Friday, August 04, 2006

Sunday, or Monday? Both?

In the comments for the post below this, some evil person makes a good point, namely that on occasion we've been known to move board game day on a long weekend. So, in conclusion, are we sure we're doing it Sunday? (Also, will SUB be closed at any point over the long weekend?)

In other news: it is traditional in the Edmonton area to celebrate the Heywouldntitbegreatifwehadalongweekendinaugust Day long weekend by heading down to Hawrelak Park for the Heritage Days festival to enjoy the food, music and cheesy merchandise of cultures from around the world. Would any of you fellow POGOBers be interested in heading down together, either before board gaming or on one of the other days?


Blogger Catrin said...

I shall send out an email in the next hour or so. Definitely tonight.

7:34 PM  

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